Thursday, July 23, 2020

Fiz três versões do poema "L'être: avant la lettre" de Paulo Leminski, do livro La Vie en Close (1991).
In the future look for a long post regarding 18 versions in English. Por agora, agora é que são elas:

l’être avant la lettre         


   la vie en close                       

c’est une autre chose                


    c’est lui                                

          c’est moi                 

                c’est ça             


    c’est la vie des choses              

qui n’ont pas                       

             un autre choix


1. o ser: antes da letra 


     a vida em cerrada

é outra coisa


     êle tem

          sou eu

               ela vem


     é a vida das coisas

que ninguém



2. ser: avant la lettre


     vida a fechar

é outra coisa


     ele é

          meu par

               assim são


     a vida das coisas

que nem terão

          outra opção


3. o ser: avant la lettre


     la vie en close

é outra pose


     ele está

          eu estou

               até doze


     é a vida em folha

onde não há

          outra escolha




 Comentários:  Merci.

Thank you! Here is the link to the poem: 

Poem of mine at Poetry X Hunger site. Great initiative.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

S I P poem 1

Pandemic Poem (Spring 2020)

All over the land
folks cooperating
doing their part
obeying the orders
staying home
sheltering in place
keeping social distance
hunkering down
avoiding everything
it adds up to an activity
for each day of the week
and lots of time to think
to put things in perspective
so with all this I decided
it just might be effective
to ask if I should feel virtuous
because this vodka is distilled
with Fairtrade Certified Quinoa.

Shelter in Place Poem 2

Quarantine Queue (Spring 2020)

So a vast viral event is unfolding
and by order you're in quarantine
now you have time on your hands
to do so many things that obtain
brush those teeth over and over
clip those nails with frequency
select best quarantunes to listen to
youtube watch endless old cartoons
retrieve ancient letters from the attic
and write back to those you neglected
for all those years of loving and lust
decades able to convince you
that finally you must


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