Saturday, December 28, 2024

 Just one more while I'm at it...

 Holiday Toast here at our spread, patio behind garage to look at all the trees and plants.

 Another reminder:  

 OK, just one more since this has been a "literary" day all around here at our humble abode.

 I've been doing the Stafford Challenge since mid-January, not missing a day. A poem (even if just three lines) daily. Three more weeks to go. Some of my contributions are odd, like this one:

 A word to the wise. This "service" is insane. It takes me half an hour to log in because since Google acquired blogging, one signs into a Google account, which did not exist when many blogs were created, but they only accept sign-up email to sign in (or manage) even if that e-mail is defunct, obviously not a good place to send any tech message.  One must use "another account" every time and use information from 25 years ago to access one's old blog. They don't allow one to change the base contact. Not fun.


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